Friday, December 25, 2009

नया साल मुबारक---2010

The sun rises and sets, seasons pass, the years go by as do the cycles of life; the wheels turn and the axle irremediably wears down. We are not given a choice whether to participate in this process. If we manage to live a meaningful life that is a tribute to our motivation, wisdom and selfless sense of belonging to the community.

As 2009 bids us ‘Goodbye’, I would like to share some thoughts of ‘Tagore’ with you:

Life ( Pran)

by Rabindranath Thakur ( Tagore):

This world is beautiful. I do not want to die.

I wish to live in the life of man,

and have a place in his living heart,

as in a sunbright flowerful garden.

Oh, the ceaseless ripple of life on earth,

the meetings and partings so happy and sad !

With human joys and griefs I shall wreathe my song,

and live for ever in the deathless life of man.

If I fail, then may I have a little place in your midst,

my friends, and make new songs at morn and eve,

like flowers that bloom to be culled by you,

Pick my flowers with a smile on your face,

And throw them away when they fade.